Saturday, March 30, 2019

 Much has happened in my life in the past two years and it has been a time for change.
 My time with The Whale People is over. But we will always be family as I will be with my Mexican community in El Cardonal where I spent the best 14 years of my life.

In my third year of tracking the humpbacks. Beside me is my first and most valuable "pangero", Vicente Lucero. Ah, the adventures we had with the Whale People! This is the way I wish to be remembered. When I dove in with a pod of mother Orcas that were teaching their offspring how to herd and hunt Mobulas, he turned to the two young ladies on board (Lexie and Tyler Cook) and simply said, " Herme (his name for me), he's loco". One of the greatest compliments of my life. And to the other pangeros I had the joy and honor to work with, Ishmael, Antonio, Roberto, Chente, Martine, "que les vaya bien amigos."

 Yet there is no sadness in leaving all this behind, just a joyful anticipation of my next level of enlightenment...I have so far to go and learning has always thrilled me.

I won’t go into detail but a cancer has invaded my throat and I am weakening fairly rapidly though given loving impetus by all my family here to stay strong. It is not the first time I have been given sanctuary in my daughter Kersti's home and the support of her husband Bill Evans in providing me a comfortable haven as I enter my next journey.

This is my new “Shangri La” and is as cozy a place as was my AirStream home all those years in Mexico. Cleaning out my trailer I came across this very old, 1956 school notice of a track meet where I and two of my dearest friends excelled. I post it because it was kind of the beginning of the journey which is now ending. Damn, I had an arm! Came in real handy in water-polo in high school even though I played center guard. Bob Kinsley; I loved giving you a good feed for a shot (Bob was an outstanding center forward) because I knew you would blast the net with that skill and strength that we could all depend upon.

One friend in particular that I want to memorialize in this blog because he was the best friend I ever had. He passed to his next journey on May 17th, 2015 but not before I had the chance to introduce him to Whale World.

His name was Frank Denney and I miss him deeply. We were always discovering together, whether hiking in The High Sierra or sneaking into The 3rd and Peerless burlesque theater in San Francisco. 

We changed places often.

Much to remember now. I have been blessed with many loving friends and tried my best to be worthy of that love and respect. Much to contemplate and it has been good.

This was one of my most moving moments just before leaving. Saying good-bye to my dear “Q’s” who you have heard of before. Jean-Luc and Brigitte. They will become the owners/caretakers of Shangri La. Their love for that piece of paradise and the community is equal to mine, I am so thankful. This picture taken by another of my "Angel People", Christina Geyer in her home in Los Barriles where she and husband Chris have often given me "shelter from the storm".

I now open my heart to being with family and seeing my new journey unfold. I will soon be with my son Zack, whose unshakable fight for justice has brought unending pride for me, for a weekend of father/son bonding and maybe, just maybe, the mother of my children, Macy, my first love.

You will know all is good if the blogs keep coming; it has been a delight sharing with you all. This blog has substituted for the incredible high I experienced during my years teaching at Mendocino College in Ukiah. To all of you, thanks for putting up with my rather eccentric approach to education. I may have years to come yet but they will need to be quality.

That’s it for this month’s blog. Science etc in May. I leave you with this picture; too extraordinarily beautiful not to share. And may she be protected by the soul of the lion.

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