Saturday, June 3, 2017

My latest rock painting. A real test of the steadiness of my hand. I gave it to one of my dearest friends here in Baja Sur. May it give her strength and joy.

A bit more ambitious project. This is a most recent crop circle in England. 300 ft across. Overnight, no lights, no sound, MARVEL at the intricacy; damn drunkin’ Irishmen right?

Here are some other human constructs that I found worth sharing – of the millions I would if I could!

A crystalline dagger from prehistory. Ceremonial certainly. Our local California Natives did the same with quartz.

The new 8ft statue of King Arthur on top of Tintagel Cliffs, Cornwall, UK. Legend, semi-legend; just powerful!

 Unfinished obelisk in Egyptian quarry in Aswan. One piece of stone 137ft long. 

The western staircase leading to the roof of the Temple of The Goddess Hathor, Egypt 2300 years old.

Kaldveer’s ultra new “Umbra Cone”; a NASA concept, 1975, with my kids Kersti and Zack.

 My most recent, 2017, “beach digs” in Baja Sur (I seem to keep simplifying) 

Just a bit of levity as I leave these human creations:

Here’s why the German’s never win The Iditarod (please DO NOT take this as a slight to The German people, especially now, just really tickled me – now that dates me doesn’t it?)

The migration of humans over the earth is far richer than I was exposed to in college. Part of that was unfortunately due not to ignorance but to Nationalistic preference (Columbus “discovered” America, Cro-Magnon people arose in Europe etc). Here’s a new discovery in Canada putting an early Native group in British Columbia far earlier than thought. It also suggests using coastal sea travel rather than the “land bridge” exclusively during the ice age. So much to learn under the waters of the world’s coasts; this is but one.

 The migration out to the other planets and moons of our solar system, not to mention the other trillions of habitable extraterrestrial planets boggles the mind. And if we Earthlings don’t do it, it matters not. There are plenty of space faring cultures out there already on the “greatest of adventures”. I would sign up in a New York minute if the opportunity arose. Here is one of the ways we may colonize. I was introduced to this concept in one of Freeman Dyson’s early books. Not to worry, there is PLENTY of room to roam!

A little local cool science stuff:

Beautiful clouds. Yes, that’s science too, it’s called Nephology and tells us a great deal about our very, very, VERY thin atmosphere, also a bit about gravity waves.

A spider’s web in the morning. 

The latest and most spectacular dinosaur find ever. The Fundamentalists are going to have a bit of trouble with this one.

 Check out this Spanish Ibex (unfortunately endangered). Talk about a climber! 

Trees talk to each other. This ought to get you back to watching “Avatar” again.

Yes, yes give me more science – it frees me (me as a child when I discovered that I was being lied to by the church, the government and my teachers)

And my alter ego

 Courtesy of Brandy Johnson - student and friend

Who I am. Getting older, getting more free. Feeling the presence of The Great and Sacred Mystery more every day.

To continue:

Our earth has become ever more interesting as scientists probe it’s history. The deepest hole ever dug, and limited any further (7.6 miles referred to as the “door way to Hell”- please don’t take that literally! because of the extreme temperature at the bottom), is the Kola Super Deep Borehole. Check this site for some really interesting surprises: huge amounts of water, unexpected gases and minerals, microbial fossils etc.

Got to include a little astronomy, Jesus!

Gravity waves. This could open whole new doors in our understanding of space-time. “What good is that” you ask. Well if you have to ask there’s no way I have the time to explain or debate – sorry. It also brings ancient wisdom into the picture (no surprise there – in this case Egyptian – again no surprise though erroneously accredited to the Hebrews).

Some of the beauty within our own solar system. I volunteered for the Mars colonization but was rejected on grounds of age – oh well!

 Put this in your pipe and smoke it: Do not misinterpret this – I do not assume to be in this league.  

Nuclear Fusion possible!!

And then there is simplification!

One of my very first heros, Peter Freuchen

OK, that was fun – now my one political statement. Bail out quick if you don’t want to see it!

May The Great and Sacred Mystery guide us all.