Friday, May 5, 2017

Still trying to figure it out. All I see is magic but a great deal of it is dark right now. I will however refrain from comments here in my blog except for one last article and/or picture. The choice to read is of course yours.’s the “lighter” stuff.

Last rock painting given to Alfonzo

I have begun another rock painting, Alfonzo was delighted to receive the one pictured as a gift for all his help and friendship over the years. The present one is being done with the help of a really great gift of a paint set by my new friends from Canada. You who have painted here know this layout. And thank you my dears.

Mind stuff!

This is one of the very most talented, intelligent and forward looking people on the planet. AI is his newest major interest. If you want to know what is happening in the field check this out and follow his development.

Elon Musk

Kind of along the same lines it appears there may be a giant over looking neuron in our brain that connects it all. Now there’s the place to look for some AI possibilities, eh?

And if it is true that a single atom can store information, well here we go!

Visual Entertainment:

Amazing images. Now these are a new level of capturing the experience of altered states of consciousness. Sensitive and beautiful - treat yourself!

And right now at WSU (my first alma mater) A team of physicists has created what appears to be negative mass. Important in order to understand the very nature of the universe!!

You know how I love archeology. Here are some things that have caught my eye lately. Always expanding the possibilities and suggesting many more mysteries.

 A long lost “mini” culture discovered in Kansas. Etzanoa was part of a larger 1500 century site of over 20,000 people.Yet another evidence of the vast Native American presence here in the Americas before the invasion.

Another site further away but with implications of the “Great Flood” myth. Originally, the ruins were dated to the Mycenaean period, 1600–1100 BC but later studies showed an older occupation date starting no later than 2800 BC, so it also includes early Bronze Age middle Minoan and transitional material. It is now believed that the town was submerged around 1000 BC  by the first of three earthquakes that the area suffered. The area never re-emerged, so it was neither built-over nor disrupted by agriculture. Although eroded over the centuries, the town layout is as it was thousands of years ago. The site is under threat of damage by boats dragging anchors, as well as by tourists and souvenir hunters.  

This is very cool – first writing – how important is that?

How about a little astronomy? After all it is our universe (along with millions of other planets many close by in our galaxy). Getting closer all the time to finding extraterrestrial life, oh man I want to be here when we find it.

Here's one of our closer galaxies with it’s own complement of planets, life forms (?), mythologies etc, etc etc!!

Sombrero Galaxy

New extraterrestrial planets are being found regularly now with one system "Trappist" having seven planets with three in The "Goldilocks Zone".

"Life" possible on one of those??

Some important moments in the great scheme of things:

This is a very rare picture of Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce who in 1877 outfoxed and out fought two  American armies at the same time.

 Nez Perce group known as “Chief Joseph’s Band”, Lapwai, Idaho, spring, 1877

And here an earlier portrayal of Jules Cesar accepting the surrender of Vercingotorix, high king of the Celts after the battle of Alesia.

And the great statute of Genghis Khan in the steppes of Mongolia. 

My political statement: