Monday, April 3, 2017

Here are just a few things that are happening and being discovered that you may wish to investigate.

Time Crystals: The idea of a time crystal was first put forward by Nobel laureate and MIT professor Frank Wilczek in 2012.[a] Space-time crystals extend the ordinary three-dimensional symmetry seen in crystals to include the fourth dimension of time; a time crystal spontaneously breaks the symmetry of time translation. The crystal's pattern repeats not in space, but in time, which allows for the crystal to be in perpetual motion.[3] Time crystals are closely related to the concepts of zero-point energy and the dynamical Casimir effect.[b]

Material ejected by an astronomical Black Hole: contrary to our previous concepts regarding Black Holes we must now add that material IS ejected from them occasionally. This is not yet fully understood but that's what SCIENCE is all about - seeking truth.


This is also referred to as the "Great Wall" and is composed of billions of GALAXIES connected by streams of gas and nebulae. The cosmos is so huge and so mysterious: so full of adventure for generations to come....I hope!
Here's one of those click teasers I enjoy just for the hell of it.

Ancient markings in Sea of Cortez ? more interesting stuff, no? Enlarge the photo to see it more clearly.

The Earth's thermostats: clouds, oh you heavenly things and oh so important!

So what’s going on in the animal world?

Cephalopods: brainy critters
A little story to go with this. While working at the Bodega Marine Laboratory in the early seventies part of my job was to keep the aquarium room squared away. One of the professors at Berkeley was doing some octopus studies and had a half dozen of them in sealed aquaria in the room. Another professor was miffed at the loss of fish from his aquaria. Each time he came in there were less fish.
I stayed hidden one night in the room to see if I could catch whoever or whatever was accounting for the killing. As I watched in true wonder I saw an octopus wiggle it's way into the air flow tube, out of his tank, across the floor, up the shelves and into the fish tank - mystery solved. I read somewhere years ago that they are capable of recognizing names and distinguishing faces.

Humpbacks congregate: significantly larger groups than ever before seen. May be due to drones making possible larger grids for researcher's to work - that's my hope!

And as usual some “strange critters” to marvel at and enjoy:

There's always got to be one, no?
A cellular creature just like us

And then the beauty of intent of the predator:

BTW: I co-wrote a book, “Dillon’s Honor” which is available on kindle through Amazon. It is my first and very possibly last venture into writing a historical novel.  I published this some years ago but I can't remember exactly when.

 Estonia pics: my "Father Land"

Tallinn: the city where I was born
Vikings to the core!

Here's a great simulation of the Earth's winds and currents. Remember it can be viewed all the way around.

Another cool place to investigate in my cyber life. A mystery island deep in Siberia. Perhaps Chinese over 1000 years ago.

A little ragged but enjoying what is here and what I’m doing. Oh, big news! I went out this morning and got 3 humpack IDs (4/3/17). This is the best one.