Monday, August 28, 2017

There are many incredible photos of the recent eclipse but for me, and I thank my good buddy Alan Pomeroy for posting this, this one is my favorite. It is not photo shopped, it is indeed The International Space Station caught in it’s orbit around earth. Nature and the human intellect in their eternal dance. I am so proud of our venture into space!

                            How about this for a quilt? Nature/intellect/art!! 

My most recent rock “art”. Idea suggested by my daughter Kersti and somewhat relevant to the above.

All part of what I, and many others, have come to call "The Great Mystery".

And in that great Mystery there is room for everything and anything. At a very high level conference of astrophysicists Stephen Hawking was asked; after explaining his concept of Black Holes, “well Stephen if what you propose is true there could be Hobbits out there”! His answer: “of course and anything else anyone in this audience can imagine”.

If you read the article referenced above then these next pictures will mean more. They are some of my friends and fellow travelers.

Some lady friends from Mendocino County
Alan Pomeroy, John Schaeffer and me a few years back
                                      A young lady that caught my heart
And of course some of my “critter" friends:

Spiny Tailed Iguana

Desert Iguana "chowin down" on my Hibiscus

Great Blue Heron fly by

Sandpiper, Plover and a Marbled Godwit 

Sea Lion while Zack and I were swimming around the rookery

Not my pic but been this close a half dozen times - HOOHAH!!

Time for some science!

                               A simple way to help your immune system.

In my 75 years  of life and a fair amount of reading, study, contemplation, meditation and mental gaming I have come to the conclusion that religion has created far more human problems than it has resolved or even soothed.

                                And of course that's what science is all about - proving things!
Here is an interesting article regarding one aspect of that argument. Not meant to offend nor even say, “this is true”, just suggesting broadening the scope of perception.

American Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill will be appearing before the British public for the first time in London on the 19th of October to present a controversial new discovery: ancient confessions recently uncovered, now prove, according to Atwill, that the New Testament was written by first-century Roman aristocrats and that they fabricated the entire story of Jesus Christ. His presentation will be part of a one-day symposium entitled “Covert Messiah” at Conway Hall in Holborn.

Speaking of broadening the scope of perception, here is an interesting article.

Ah…..and then there is Egypt, perhaps my favorite culture of all (right after The Native Americans); particularly the period under Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Once again the scientific knowledge of that culture and its incredible art, architecture and spiritual journey boggles my mind. New tombs have been found once again and hint at the splendor of once was.

Staying with Egypt for a moment here is a picture of a Beja woman who is in the direct line of The Nubian Egyptians that inter bred with the Mediterranean Egyptians to create the commonly depicted Egyptians of the past and the present. 

 "Lower Egyptian groups have tended to pool more with European and Mediterranean groups, while Upper Egyptians are biologically more similar to southern African groups. The geographic proximity of Lower Egyptians to the Mediterranean Sea and of Upper Egyptians to Nubia likely explains the phenotypic and genotypic differences between the two areas.
They are a truly beautiful people. I had the good fortune of spending a little time there and came away with my academic knowledge of The Egyptians and my respect for their ancient culture reinforced 100 fold. Their formalized Paganism was so in tune with nature and the forces within it that their understanding of and respect for nature was astounding.  

Ancient knowledge continues to surface in many places and at many times.

This is a very sophisticated sun dial from the early German Unetice culture of the Bronze Age.

One last science fact:

We may not only be an infinitesimally small part of the universe but may also exist in one of the larger voids within it. If this makes you feel smaller and less significant I am afraid you are missing the point!

OK, prepare yourself for this. My one political comment for this blog. I posted on FB that I would no longer continue calling 45 and his minions “Pigs” under every post regarding their activities. Not out of respect for them but because it was making me sick to stop and read anything about their nefarious doings. However, the other day I saw this on a post, can’t remember where, and after gritting my teeth to prevent vomiting I realized it was a picture of exactly how I see this horrible man. I am sharing it here because I have to. You have been warned!

             You may want to clean your mind and mouth out with this – I had to.